
What Happens When Look At The World Upside Down?

I’ve been thinking and oscillating for the last three months between finding a niche and going further with no niche, unfortunately, with no decisive conclusion. But do you remember my last week’s exercise when I looked at the world upside-down? I got inspired. And turning my head again up, I dared a question: “How would it be like not only to look at the world…

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Do You Feel Stuck, Blocked, Angry?

Stucked. Blocked. Angry? You fail to take action because of your fears.Fear of being refused, rejected, judged, unappreciated, or fear because you feel unsure, not competent, skilled, fast, intelligent or beautiful enough.What is enough, anyway? And then you are stuck. You know, life is full of uncertainties, right?There is always a possibility that things are not going as you wish. Challenges come to you, and you…

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Holistic Health

The term holistic comes from Greek ὅλος holos “all, whole, entire”. In philosophy, we can consider holistic as referring to the belief that all the parts of something are intimately interconnected and can be explicable only by referring to the whole. In medicine, holistic designates a way of treating the patient regarding their whole person, taking into account besides the symptoms of disease also the…

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