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Alchemy of Transformation: Empower Your Positive Shift

Alchemy of Transformation: Empower Your Positive Shift 09.06.2023 Author: Diana TodorutPhoto: open library on Canva In life’s grand tapestry, we encounter moments of pure bliss and periods of darkness. During these challenging times, the true test of our character lies. How do we respond to adversity? How can we transform the negative into positive? Join me on this philosophical exploration as we delve into the alchemy…

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The Importance of Being Present

The art of being present Being present physically or mentally are two different things, right?  You are always aware when you are physically present, but physical presence does not require mental presence as well. Quite often, while we are physically present, our mind is just wandering in some other places or times.  So, what means to be present mentally? It means to be entirely there…

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What Happens When Look At The World Upside Down?

I’ve been thinking and oscillating for the last three months between finding a niche and going further with no niche, unfortunately, with no decisive conclusion. But do you remember my last week’s exercise when I looked at the world upside-down? I got inspired. And turning my head again up, I dared a question: “How would it be like not only to look at the world…

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Do You Feel Stuck, Blocked, Angry?

Stucked. Blocked. Angry? You fail to take action because of your fears.Fear of being refused, rejected, judged, unappreciated, or fear because you feel unsure, not competent, skilled, fast, intelligent or beautiful enough.What is enough, anyway? And then you are stuck. You know, life is full of uncertainties, right?There is always a possibility that things are not going as you wish. Challenges come to you, and you…

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